February 15, 2020

CBD Oil and Gummies-Good or Not?

CBD oil and gummies are everywhere these days, including the corner store and at Grandma’s house.  CBD or Cannabidiol is a component of the hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa).  Initial research shows that CBD is safe and effective for a myriad of health conditions such as pain relief, reducing inflammation, easing anxiety, and as a sleep aid.  CBD is mainly used as a holistic or alternative medicine treatment to help balance the body’s internal systems.  Hemp […]
December 7, 2022

Avoid Buying Fake Supplements

  By Stacey Munro, N.D. You probably have bought some type of supplement—maybe vitamins, herbs, or probiotics—online because you heard that they are good for you.  But how can you tell if what you’re buying, especially online, is the real thing?  In 2019, Amazon alerted consumers who had purchased Align, a popular probiotic, from a third-party seller that the product was most likely counterfeit and that they needed to stop using it.  Unfortunately, this type […]